Have you spent years mastering the art of writing a novel?
If so, you know how intricate the process for writing a literary work of approximately 70,000-90,000 words can be. There are many characters to develop. Subplots to tame. Twists and turns to fill all those pages. While writing a full-length work of fiction is great, it's fun to spend your time on shorter works too.
Have you considered writing a novelette? A novelette is a short novel that can be anywhere from 7,500 - 17,500 words. With this type of story, you get the luxury of focusing on fewer plots. You can introduce a fiction series or explore characters who didn't get enough scene time in your other works. Trying out this kind of writing can allow you to explore different points of view also which can be fun and help you better understand different characters.
I had a great time writing Ghost of a Girl, a novelette that introduces two characters from my upcoming series. In this story, I introduce Owen Parker and Violet Blackstone, two friends who are main characters in the books which will tell the story of a pastor's daughter who struggles with her faith.
Benefits of writing a novelette
- You can find readers before your full-length books are published
- You get to hang out with characters who get little scene time or who died
- It's quicker than writing an entire novel
- There are benefits to writing more stories because you exercise your story muscles
- In my opinion, more stories are great
- You may love the story so much you develop a whole new series off of it
These are just some thoughts for why you might want to write a novelette if you haven't already done so. I'd be honored if you checked out my novelette on Amazon. Here's the link just in case.
Happy writing, my friends!